07 febrero, 2010


No more wheel of fortune

Once I read that you become a true citizen of the city you live in when something that you really love about it changes. One of my very first memories of Sydney is Darling Harbour and its wheel of fortune. Every night I could see its reflection from M's place, and when I moved to my own place it was part of the scenery that used to accompany me every time I crossed to the other side of the City. Yesterday night, as I was walking to my place, I saw a huge truck next to the wheel, its carts where already down and half of it had no light. It's gone, and I miss it.

05 febrero, 2010

Fancy a cup of tea?

Soy un poco despistada y de pronto olvido o dejo las cosas en los lugares menos esperados. He dejado el cepillo en el refri, las llaves dentro del coche, los libros en la alacena y los platos en el clóset, pasa. Es algo con lo que he aprendido a vivir, es una característica muy mía que me ha acompañado toda la vida. La gente que me conoce bien sabe que pierdo las cosas todo el tiempo (tal vez me acompaña un fantasma cachetón que se divierte escondiéndime las cosas). Mi papá siempre me decía que era porque los genios pensábamos en cosas más importantes. Me encantaba su comparación, pero sé que sólo lo decía para hacerme sentir bien y suavizar el regaño de mi madre, pobre, ella era quien pasaba horas tratando de encontrar mis objetos 'perdidos'. La cosa ha mejorado, ya no pierdo toooodo, sólo algunas cosas. Pero hace un mes sucedió algo inesperado. Compré un set de cuatro tazas para el té-café y perdí una. Primero culpé a C, pues él es peor que yo: siempre rompé algo, pero fue tal su carita de sorpresa que le creí. Sé que él no rompió la taza. Ya busqué en el horno, en el clóset, en el baño y en cada uno de los rincones de casita y nada... Ahora creo que el fantasma cachetón se la llevó, me preguntó si sólo querrá una tazita de té.

03 febrero, 2010

At the Powerhouse Museum



Yesterday I felt for the very first time how my blood became thicker and rushed from my finger-tips to my head when I heard the name of certain person that recently tried to harm me. Afterwards, I felt bad with myself because I felt not only anger, but something quite similar to hate. Like in a bad cliche, I had to go down to the pool and literally swam the feeling away. The water absorbed all that bad energy.

02 febrero, 2010

Time goes by

Wow, it's been almost seven months since I last wrote something here. It was not that I had nothing to say, on the contrary, lots of stuff were going on. I confess it was my office, I had so many things to do that I completely forgot about myself... and my friends and my family and my hobbies and that part of my job that I really used to love and enjoyed with a deep, true passion... and well, the list could go on and on. I guess this happens to everyone once or twice in a life. But it's so hard to let go. After all, offices are usually part or our routine and as time goes by most of them become part of our comfort zone. And if you don't stop, if you don't get the courage to stop or just to do something about this never ending spiral of work-home-eat-sleep-work-home-eat-sleep you do die a little, you become a hollow man.
A few months ago I remembered who I was when I was younger, I remembered the passion that used to move me every time I got a new assignment. I'm only 32, but still, there was a younger version of me who wanted to take pictures and travel around the world and become a writer.
I recently rediscovered my long lost love of toast with honey and butter and that tingly sensation that coffee produces in your mouth when you really enjoy it -not when you just drink it real quick to actually wake up, and it felt so good.
I'm not complaining, I'm just trying to rediscover who am I. Better now than never. I would have loved to be in this position when I was twenty-something, but it was impossible. If a look back, I think I wasted most of my twenties. If I were writing a biography, my twenties would most definitely be the wasted years, but I'll dwell about latter -and most surely I will have a different version of them as I get older and hopefully wiser.
At 32 I get a chance to star almost all-over again, and it feels great!